

Penalty Relief for Failing to Furnish Form 1095-B and Some Form 1095-C

Due to the elimination of the individual shared-responsibility payment beginning after December 31, 2018 (reduced to zero), Form 1095-B is no longer required for a taxpayer to compute federal tax liability or file an income tax return while the requirement to furnish Form 1095-B remains. The IRS will not assess a penalty under Code Sec. 6722 for failing to furnish a Form 1095-B if: (1) the reporting entity posts a notice on its website stating that individuals may request a 2019 Form 1095-B and that the individual must provide an email and physical address to mail the statement and a phone number where they can be contacted; and (2) the reporting entity furnishes the statement within 30 days of the request. This penalty relief does not apply to furnishing Form 1095-C to full-time employees, generally required of ALE members that offer self-insured health plans due to combined reporting requirements under Code Sec. 6056 and Code Sec. 6055. Penalty relief will cover any penalties related to furnishing Form 1095-C to any employee who is not a full-time employee for any month in 2019.

1095 C’s have been filed and you should be receiving your copy in the mail. If you do not receive one, you can send a request to:

Suzie Wygle
Human Resources
P.O. Box 58
Channelview, TX 77530

Delay in getting these forms out sooner was related to Covid-19.